Joachim MeyerOct 20, 2022Edited VolumesMarik, V., Bradshaw, J., Meyer, J., & Benda, P. (Eds.) (2008). HMS2008: IEEE SMC International Conference on Distributed Human-Machine...
Joachim MeyerOct 20, 2022Refereed Journal Articles Orr, E., Liran, E. & Meyer, J. (1986). Compulsory military service as a challenge and a threat. Israel Social Sciences Research, 4, 5-20....
Joachim MeyerOct 20, 2022Articles submitted for publicationAvraham, R., Meyer, J. & Pelled, O. Allocation of Liability between Internet Service Providers and End-Users––a Theoretical Perspective...
Joachim MeyerOct 20, 2022Conference Proceedings PapersMeyer, J., Shinar, D., & Leiser, D. (1990). Time estimation of computer "wait" displays. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 34th...
Joachim MeyerOct 20, 2022Book ChaptersMeyer, J. (2004). Personal Vehicle Transportation. In Richard Pew & Susan Van Hemel (eds.) Technology for Adaptive Aging. (pp. 253 –...
Joachim MeyerOct 20, 2022Miscellaneous Additional PublicationsMeyer, J. (2001). Scientific journals by and for scientists: Book review of Tenopir and King on Electronic Journals. Psycholoqui, 12...